
The MobMap: past, present and future of Mobile innovations
Have you ever asked yourself some of the following questions: “If we are not aware of our past in mobile technology, can we appreciate our future and the advancements that the past technology has had on it?”,“When were cell phones invented?”, “How and why did they change our day to day lives so radically?”, “What are the greatest mobile technology inventions, and why do I believe so?”  
We know you've been asking these questions. We are all looking for their answers, because these are issues that rouse our interest and make us want to dive in…Dive in into the world of ever-changing technology, innovations and dynamic society changes. All interesting stuff, we promise you that!

Let’s go on an adventure together!
Welcome to this webquest! 
You have a very important task ahead of you!
You are working for the world’s famous mobile phone manufacturer – InnoMobile. You have been placed on a team (3 to 5 members) to research the history of mobile phones from the past to the present. Each group will create their own MobMap – a roadmap timeline presenting the history of mobile phones, and explaining which innovations have had the most significant effect on people’s lives and why. 

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Thereafter, teams together will research the latest developments in mobile technology and discuss how mobile phones will look in the near future. You will present your findings to other InnoMobile working groups, and have a full company discussion. Individually, each team should decide how to create and present their MobMap – on paper or via using online template. Your research and conclusions will help company employees to create the greatest phone of the future!
This webquest is best to be executed in groups consisting of 3 to 5 learners.
1. Food for Thought
resized/uploaded---tiny---images---leirasokba/800/800/ecq-innovation-process1.jpg Before starting to create your MobMap, please consider the following essential questions:
-       When were mobile phones invented and how did they change over time?
-       What were some of the most significant mobile technological innovations and why were they possible?         
-       How did mobile phones change our everyday lives forever?
-       What is the social and environmental impact of mobile phones?
There are several resources on these questions at the “Resources” page. Have fun on your quest of going through them and finding out answers! 

2: Back to Where It all Began

At this step you need to explore the online resources for this Webquest and research the history and evolution of mobile phones. You will find information dating all the way back to the first cell phones that were as big as bricks. To prepare for your MobMap, please select and focus on at least 10 different events from the past through the present. Choose several mobile phone inventions or developments that seem most important to you. Create your own MobMap Research & Reflection paper sheet to take notes. It’s important to include the year, the author(s) and the significance of each innovation. The creator of the chosen invention could be a single person or a company. And, last but not least, explain why you believe this invention is important to the world.

3: Brainstorming is Key
At this stage, you and your group members should prepare to create the MobMap. First, you have to decide together
about its content.
Discuss resized/uploaded---tiny---images---leirasokba/800/800/ecq-innovation-process4.jpgwith the rest of your group the selected events/inventions included in your Research & Reflection papersheet. Discuss how one innovation leads to another. Take notes, based on your discussion. Using brainstorming technique (please, see the “Resources” section), the group should decide together about the 10 most significant innovations to be presented in the MobMap.  

4: Create your MobMap 
To create the MobMap each group should choose one of the two options below:
Option 1
is to create a paper MobMap using A3 format.
Option 2
is to prepare an interactive digital MopMap using a free online timeline template.
+ Option 1: If you decide to go with option 1, please use A3 paper. The larger A3 size provides more space to make drawings and graphics. Your “company boss” may already provide this. To start you off, please check a few sites in our “Resources” section for roadmap timeline design inspirations. Your MobMap should include at least 10 significant events. Think about how these inventions led to others. Be sure to mention the date and the creator(s) and the significance of each innovation. It’s up to you how to make your timeline – you can include pictures, colorful drawings, text, etc. The information within should be well organized and factual. You should create your MobMap as a team. Enjoy and be creative! J
++ Option 2:
Create an interactive MobMap timeline using an online template. In the “Resources” section, you will find plenty of links to websites that provide free templates. This second option may be more interactive and fun, but keep in mind that you will need some time to learn how to use such online templates. Check the “Resources” section for more information and tutorials. You should include the same kind of information as described in option 1.

5: Welcome to the World of Innovations
At this stage each team has 20 minutes to present their MobMap in front of the other InnoMobile working groups. The aim of each team is to present its arguments in support of the selected events and inventions succinctly and convincingly within the time allotted.
Here is the time to speak out why the inventions you included in your MobMap are important. Explain in detail how and in which way they changed our world and people’s day-to-day lives. For example, if you think the iPhone had the most notable impact on people's lives, you should be able to explain why.
At this final stage, explore the videos and links in our “Resources” section to review some of the latest and future mobile technologies. Some of the examples are only conceptions and not real (yet). Do you notice any trends in the latest mobile phones designs and functions? How they evolved? In your opinion, how will cell phones of the future look like? How can mobile technologies address today’s most pressing global challenges?
Discuss your findings and thoughts with other team members and have a full company discussion. InnoMobile's Creative Department will need your ideas to design new innovations.
Evaluation and Learning Outcomes
After the completion of this webquest, learners will be able to:

Knowledge Skills Attitudes
- fundamental knowledge of how to use innovative learning tools - roadmap timelines
- fundamental knowledge of mobile technology;
- basic knowledge on brainstorming techniques;
- basic knowledge on presentation techniques;
- basic knowledge of how to prepare a group presentation.
- use technology skills to conduct research online in order to complete a set of task;
- research, gather and systematize information taken from the internet in order to create a meaningful product;
- practice brainstorming technique;
- use critical thinking to select significant events;
- make connections between past events and inventions;
- plan and create a product roadmap;
- present in front of an audience.
- create own perception of what mobile technology innovations are and how they changed our world;
- work collaboratively in a team;
- make predictions about the future of technological   innovations
Mobile technology has forever changed the world we live in. We're online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.” James Comey

Mobile technologies are rearranging our daily lives in fundamental ways. Through this webquest, you have been taught to use collaboration, creativity, and internet resources to design and develop your own MobMap – a roadmap timeline representing the evolution of mobile phones and outlining the biggest mobile technology inventions. Once you have completed this webquest, you will have a better understanding of the process of mobile technology innovation.