
The Global Challenge WebQuest

"You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude"
Eleanor Roosevelt
Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business, it is much more than that! Entrepreneurship is about developing competences which apply to all spheres of life! When at work or in life in general, entrepreneurship skills such as creativity, vision, mobilising others or taking the initiative are useful and can promote effective change.

So, if you are one of those people who prefer to act instead of sitting around, just waiting for others to solve everything, and if you would like to be challenged into designing an innovative approach to a local problem, this WebQuest is for you!
Let’s brainstorm and design an idea to solve a local issue!

In groups, you will have to identify some issues that may represent a difficulty for your local community and then select one. You will, then, create a plan to address this problem, either by mitigating its effects or by creating an all new approach. It’s up to you! Finally, you will have the opportunity to showcase your idea in an exhibition and attract an investor or sponsor!
1.   Watch this TedTalk and be inspired! 
2.   Discuss the video within the whole group. Do you identify any issue that should be addressed in your community?

3.   Group up! If the entire group is from the same city, group by neighbourhood; from the same country, group by city; if the group is international group by nationality. It is important for the group to share the same context.

4.     Identify your local issues! Share your ideas about the problems you would like to address.

5.     Choose one issue to solve! Find a democratic way to choose a problem, use the useful links to get voting systems ideas. Ask yourselves these questions: Is this problem affecting the community or just a small group of people? Is there a realistic way to solve this problem? Solving this problem will greatly benefit the community?

6.     Research! Sort out which team members will research about what. You can either use online tools or work in a more traditional way! Ideally, do both! Ask yourself “Who are the people affected by this issue?” and consider interviewing them to get precious insights about future solutions! In the end, share your research with the other team members.

7.     Make an Action Plan! Now that you know all about this issue, it’s time to tackle it! How? Go to our useful links to discover how to make one Action Plan. You can use an online platform like this to write it or do it in any other way.

8.     Share your plan with the whole group! Decide on a PowerPoint presentation,  Prezi, Canvas or any other digital tool. (Need tips on how to do it? Check this video). Welcome their ideas and try to make your action plan even better! Is there any point of view you have not consider? Is there a better way to do something? Are there any connections within the group that can help you address this issue? 

9.     After the presentation, your group should get back together and discuss the changes you want to make after receiving other people’s opinions. Make your last adjustments to the plan and make sure your presentation is spot on!

10.     Within your group, select one or two people to be the “Curators” of your idea. These curators will be responsible for exposing your idea in a wider exhibition.

11.     All groups’ Curators must now organise an exhibition showcasing all the creative ideas presented by all groups! Use the materials you have available, like desks, chairs, boards, and try to be as creative as possible in showing your idea. You can ask your facilitator for support in gathering other kind of material you need for putting on your show!

12.     Imagine that an investor or sponsor is coming to this event! How will you convince him/her that your idea is worth it? Make sure your showing is interactive to capture his/her attention and make sure your data adds up!
Evaluation and Learning Outcomes
After the completion of this webquest, learners will be able to:

Knowledge Skills Attitudes
· Basic knowledge of the concept of democracy
· Fundamental knowledge on how to set an action
plan to address a community problem
· Basic knowledge of planning and management
· Fundamental knowledge of team work
· Factual knowledge on how to do a presentation
· Identify needs in the community that
haven’t been addressed yet;
· Take part in group dynamics aimed
at defining open-ended problems
· Spot opportunities aligned with a
vision for creating value
· Turn ideas into an action plan,
experimenting different combinations of resources
· Create an action plan which identifies
the necessary steps to achieve the set goals
· Set up an exhibition to showcase all ideas
· Brainstorm after watching a video
· Research on community issues
to be addressed in a project made
to tackle them
·  Work in a group to achieve common goals
· Adopt other’s ideas to enhance one’s action plan
· Show initiative in dealing with problems that affect their community
· Share a vision and mobilise others to act accordingly
· Work with others to arrange the best way to organise an exhibition
You see? Being an entrepreneur is to accomplish what needs to be accomplished, whether it is for you, for your company, for your neighbourhood, for your country or for the world!

"Plan your work for today and every day, then work you plan tomorrow."
Margaret Thatcher